Within Tagore Public School’s Erudite Wing, a realm of scholarly pursuit thrives through a research-based, critical, and analytical approach. Here, education transcends conventional boundaries, immersing students in a dynamic world of exploration and innovation. Through hands-on activities, young minds cultivate a deep understanding that extends beyond theory, nurturing their analytical skills and fostering a thirst for knowledge. The integration of art across disciplines weaves a tapestry of creativity, offering new dimensions to traditional subjects. The multidisciplinary approach not only enriches understanding but also empowers students to connect ideas, synthesize concepts, and embrace a holistic vision of learning.
In harmony with NEP 2020 and CBSE’s vision, this advanced curriculum for senior grades cultivates intellectual rigor, ethical leadership, technological prowess, and global consciousness, equipping students to excel as transformative thinkers and doers in the 21st century. The school advocates the system of an integrated curriculum in which a unit/topic is taught across different disciplines using a specific set of methods. This helps our children to make connections across the curriculum. Activities, project work, presentations, educational trips, guest lectures are an indispensable part of our curriculum so that the concept formation is strong and lasting. The framework also keeps in mind the weeks of the school which are celebrated every month like environment, literary, cultural, science, cosmic, a week, etc. The syllabus for the subjects is as prescribed by C.B.S.E. The development of speaking and writing skills is emphasized. Home assignments are not a carry-over of classwork but oriented towards honing individual talents. The curriculum and evaluation criteria are as per the CBSE suggested system of assessment.
TPS, Gurugram, one of the top schools in Gurugram, Haryana is an institution providing ultimate quintessence for children to receive the cool and conclusive environment for the growth of their mind, body and spirit.
Nirvana Country Road
Sector 50, Gurugram, Haryana, India
0124-5006282 | +91- 9053-9053-44,43